









2010/10/20 COP10 Working Group II CEPA

JCN-CBD Masahiro Kawatei


This is Japan civil network for CBD.


First of all, I would like to express my appreciation for giving me this opportunity.


Today, I would like to share my concern on current situation of CEPA with you all, and propose an idea

to achieve our 2020 target.


As we have seen in the previous presentations, the movement of CEPA has grown since COP5 in 2000.

We have many organizations that have been claiming importance of biodiversity with great effort– I

myself have seen numerous groups of people in Japan who work hard to create sustainable society, not

knowing that their activities are called CEPA. This power is so great that I believe it surely has the

potential to change the world.


BUT, we failed to achieve our target for 2010.




— If we are in the same CEPA framework as it is today, probably we will not achieve 2020 target, which

would be even challenging target.


Then, what we need?


My proposal, which consists of three parts, answers our question.


First, each Party develops its own CEPA concept which brings benefits to each Party as well as to the

biodiversity – which then should have a clear “Action Plan” to support this concept. Identify what

strength and good practices you have in your country that can be the base concept for your CEPA

concept. (For example, Japan can apply a concept “living together with nature” – a way of thinking

that we traditionally have) At the same time, each Party has its own issues and obstacles to achieve

the target – so please identify what resources and aid you need from other Parties to overcome those



Then, secondly, bring all Parties’ CEPA concepts to COP11 in India. There, we can put each CEPA

concept together, and develop a global CEPA concept. This will optimize each country’s resources and

enable us to support each other to achieve OUR target for 2020 – to save OUR biodiversity for the

future Earth.


Lastly, in order to reinforce this movement, I propose to include CEPA in the report of COP10 as the

important strategy, and emphasize its importance. Then, this report will be a trigger to extend

awareness of CEPA from government to media and from media to all citizens.

I once made this ripple effect in “Cool Biz” campaign, which originated from the movement of CO2

reduction. By declaring clearly in the conference report, I moved the Japanese government and media –

which then brought “Cool Biz” activities to many companies and people. As the result, public awareness

of Cool Biz reached more than 90% in Japan.


The same strategy can be applied to CEPA – and I believe CEPA will be much stronger power to change

our lives.


Thank you for your attention, and I’m waiting for your cooperation.



2010 年10 月20 日COP10 Working Group II 白鳥ホール


NGO提言スピーチby CBD市民ネット 川廷昌弘




本日、CEPA の現状に関する私の懸念を皆さんとシェアし、2020 年目標を達成するために1 つの考えを提案



各国のプレゼンテーションにあったように、2000 年のCOP5 からCEPA の動きは広まりました。多くの組織


働いている多数の団体を見てきました。ただ彼らの活動はCEPA とは認識されていません。この力はとても



しかし、私たちは2010 年の目標の達成を失敗しました。



もしこれまでと同じようなCEPA の枠組みであれば、おそらく2020 年目標は達成できません。かなりの挑戦





私の提案は3 つのパートで成り立っています。


1 つ目、締約国の生物多様性を守るだけでなくベネフィットをもたらすために、独自のCEPA コンセプトを作

りましょう。あなたの国の特徴や強み、良き慣習を特定してください。それがCEPA コンセプトの背景とな







そして、2 つ目、全ての締約国のCEPA コンセプトをインドのCOP11 に持っていきましょう。それぞれの

CEPA コンセプトを一堂に会することで、グローバルなCEPA コンセプトが見えてくるはずです。これで各

国のリソースを有効に利用して支援し合うことができます。2020 年の目標を達成するために、未来の地球の



最後に、これらの動きを活性化するため、CEPA をCOP10 の決議の中に重要戦略として記載し、その重要性

を強調することを提案します。この決議が、CEPA によって政府からメディアへ、メディアから市民へ認識を






生物多様性でも同じ戦略が適用できるはずです。私はCEPA が私たちの生活を変えるほどに大きな力になる




